EGov Integration Platform

As the internet becomes more accessible more countries offer e-services and more e-services within these countries are being made available. Our EGov Integration Platform (EGIP) provides a single portal where citizens and businesses seamlessly integrate transactions that require multiple agency services at one stop.

One Platform for all Govt. applications- Citizen/Business Applies for various Govt services
Two-way Communication with various Backend systems done via Web Service

  • Application Data Posting- Portal to Dept.
  • Application Processing Feedback – Dept. to Portal

Can interface with various backend configurations

  • Web-based
  • Desktop-based applications
  • Manual Departments

Information shared in E-Gov Platform level

  • Citizen not asked for same information (like name , address , dob) for each form

Re-usable Application Forms

  • Field from Universe of fields for Application form across different countries (e.g Birth Certificate various countries)
  • Form Customizable for each country by indicating different Labels and Visibility for each field

Configurable workflows

  • Inter-Department (i.e. document movement across Departments)


Customizable Look-and-Feel